Splash of Colour

Splash of Colour


My lack of practice shows but I’m just glad I found the time to paint again! XD The girl is modeled after the Filipino actress Julia Montes. I tried drawing her out of memory but I don’t think I was able to capture her face correctly (the proportions and angles are WAY off). Teehee. Oh well.

I had fun flicking my brush though. ❤


“Goldfish Salvation” – 3D Painting

As you may have noticed, I’m still a bit hungover with my Koi Theme. (Koi koi koi koi koi koi koi)

That aside, let me take this opportunity to (Koi) say just how EPIC this Riusuke Fukahori guy is (Koi Koi)! I don’t know about you guys (Koi koi koi), but my jaw literally dropped while I was watching this.

Enjoy! 😀



Barbie Girl

Barbie Girl

Ehehe. So, my little cousin’s barbie doll was lying around and it had on a beautiful ball gown. (It was the old barbie doll. They just don’t make dolls as good anymore. Sigh.) I wanted to work on “transparency effect” anyway. With a couple of rubber bands and a dash of imagination, I was able to alter the gown in this painting. The only thing I copied was the translucent layer of the dress. 🙂

I wasn’t able to blend the colors as well as I would’ve liked to (especially in the arms). But I still hope you guys like it. 😀





Ehehe. Funny thing is, I never intended to make this. I was supposed to paint something else when whoopsie-daisy I spilled a huge black droplet on my sketch pad. I, being the lazy bum that I am, tried to blow out the stain instead of getting some sort of cloth to absorb it. The drop spread into one of the “trees” above. Why not right? *spills huge drops of paint everywhere*

And there you have it. Hope you guys like it. 🙂


Secret Pool

Secret Pool

I was rummaging through my old sketch pad looking for a possibly worthy artwork when I stumbled on this. As you can see, no reflection in the water anywhere! It’s one of my frustrations until now actually. Ah, well.
Hope you guys like it! :>


Lady of the Rose

001IMG_1930[1]Lady of the Rose

I was reading this book entitled “The Thirteenth Princess” by Diane Zahler. The cover was of a very beautiful princess sooooo I kinda got inspired to pick up a brush and use the cover as some sort of skeleton for this. Hope you guys like it. 🙂
(oh, and please pardon the crappy quality. my camera and I suck at this. XD)



gah. i keep on editing this post. i added a scanned version of the painting upon realizing that our scanner works after all (HALLELUJAH!). 😀
